Policies and Procedures
The nursery has an extensive range of policies and procedures that we implement within the setting and parents and carers can view these policies and procedures in the parent file in reception at any time.
We welcome any feedback, comments and suggestions with regards to our policies, and parent’s views will always be taken into account when carrying out our periodic reviews.
Below are brief samples of some of the policies and procedures that are important for parents/carers to be aware of. Full copies can be found in reception:

‘The nursery takes great care to treat each individual with equal rights, whether they are an adult or a child. Discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, colour, creed, marital status, ethnic or national origin or political belief has no place within our nursery.’
‘The nursery staff are committed to
- Presenting good role models
- Presenting positive images in the interests of celebrating diversity and non-stereotypical images’
‘Nursery staff have a duty to be aware that abuse does occur in our society and that they have a responsibility to assist in protecting/safeguarding children from harm. Our nursery will work with children, parents/carers, external agencies and the community to ensure the welfare and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Children have the right to be treated with respect and to be safe from any abuse in whatever form.’
‘In the event of a complaint every effort will be made to resolve the issue raised as promptly as possible….If a member of staff or parent/carer feels that he/she has cause for complaint they should speak to the manager or the deputy manager…All Ofsted requirements will be met: “registered providers must investigate all written complaints relating to the requirements and notify complainants of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of having received the complaint”.’
‘Any concerns that parent/carers or staff may have should also be brought to the attention of the nursery manager. All concerns will be logged and kept in the complaints and concerns file along with any supporting documentation. Internal actions will be agreed and the nursery manager will communicate with the parent/carer or staff member until they are content that their concern has been dealt with accordingly.’
This is delivered in conjunction with our designated and trained Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and the County Council’s Area SENCo (where necessary).
‘We aim to provide all children with a broad and balanced learning environment that is committed to the integration of children with special needs. Our philosophy is that all children, with our without special needs, should have the opportunity to develop to their full potential alongside other children, in an educational environment.’
‘If a member of staff has concerns about a child in their care they must share those concerns with the SENCo. The SENCo would share the information with parents and inform them of the concerns. Consent to undertake observations would be sought from parents….The Area SENCo may be informed and with parent/carer’s written permission may observe the child in the setting and discuss the observation findings with the parent/carer and the nursery SENCo.’
Further procedures will then be followed depending on the nature of the individual child’s needs.
Friendly – Educational – Caring – Fun